Huku Blog

Being a kitesurfer
My name is Eli and I am a Huku brand ambassador. I have been kitesurfing for approximately three years now. I fell in love with it straight away. I love the freedom kitesurfing offers.
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Get to know our Brand Ambassador Eli
Hello, I'm Eli from the Czech Republic. I grew up there, but I usually spend only a few months a year there because I travel so often. Therefore, I don't really have a base I could call home right now! 
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How Balance Boards can benefit Golfers
Good golf performance requires a specific set of skills and physical traits. Golf is played by people of all shapes and sizes, but the top players all possess various important skills. Balance, stability, and mobility are needed when performing a good golf swing.
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Balance Boards for skateboarding
Balance is the most crucial skill when it comes to skateboarding. You will not stay on the board very long if you have poor balance! Improving your balance will help you perform the basics easier while also allowing you to try more advanced tricks. 
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Which Huku is best for me?

The Huku Corefit is an excellent way to get started with balance training. The narrower deck allows you to focus more on the basic balance board movements. The roller is also smaller, meaning that the board is closer to the ground, making it easier for you to get started. 

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